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这两点做到10分肯定有了。根据个人经验,用词难度和语法并不是特别重要。本人大概call time之前5分钟就把两页都写满了,结果我本来以为可以另外要纸写的,后来监考的告诉我我只有两页= = 所以最后的conclusion各种悲剧。。不过还是12,可见结论并不是特别重要。。















下面贡献一下我自己准备的模板的里面的两个,文学是the great gatsby,历史是the french revolution.

Title: The GreatGatsby
Author: Scott F.Fitzgerald
Characters: NickCarraway, Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Bachanan, Jordan Baker, GeorgeWilson, Myrtle Wilson


1)  Tom having an affair with Myrtle and Daisy puts up with it

2)  Tom breaking Myrtle’s nose

3)  The mysterious past of Gatsby

4)  The lies of Gatsby (attended Oxford, son of a rich family

5)  Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship five years ago in Chicago

6)  Daisy meeting Gatsby in his mansion and gets emotional over his material success

7)  Daisy hesitant in leaving with Gatsby and wavers between the two men

8)  Wilson shoots Gatsby dead after inquiring about the yellow Rolls Royce, which Daisy and Gatsby drove.

9)  No one attends Gatsby’s funeral except for Nick and a few others. Wolfsheim, Tom and Daisy didn’t show up.

Themes:   J. l" s+ t0 w' |

1)  the illusion of the American Dream, material success VS. morality, decayed social

2)  and moral values (cynicism, greed, empty pursuit of happiness),

3)  old money VS. new rich (taste, elegance, subtlety, and the other socially insensible, vulgar, etc.)

4)  probation leads to underground trading

5)  a dream ruined by materialism

6)  the irreversibility of time

7)  kind, human qualities leading to disaster(Gatsby taking the blame of killing Myrtle for Daisy and ends up getting killed)

Title: The French Revolution (1789 – 1799)

Characters: Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, Maximilien Robespierre, Napoleon Bonaparte,  

A Events:

1)  Estates-General of 1789: three estates (the clergy, the nobility, and the rest of France)

2)  The Tennis Court Oath

3)  Women’s March on Versailles: protesting against the economic burdens they faced, esp. bread shortages. 7000 women marched to Versailles with weapons, persuaded the king to relocate to Paris and to legitimize the National Assembly

4)  Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

5)  The execution of King Louis XVI: In the Brunswick Manifesto, the Imperial and Prussian armies threatened retaliation on the French population if it were to resist their advance or the reinstatement of the monarchy. This among other thingsmade Louis appear to be conspiring with the enemies of France. 17 January 1793 saw Louis condemned to death for "conspiracy against the public liberty and the general safety" by a close majority in Convention. The former Louis XVI, now simply named Citoyen Louis Capet(Citizen Louis Capet), was executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793 on the Placede la Révolution. Royalty across Europe was horrified and many heretofore neutral countries soon joined the war against revolutionary France.

6)  The rise of Maxim lien Robespierre and the Jacobins, The Committee of Public Safety/The Reign of Terror (1793-1794):

The Committee first attempted to set the price for only a limited number of grain products but, by September 1793, it expanded the "maximum" to cover all foodstuffs and a long list of other goods.[64] Widespread shortages and famine ensued. The Committee reacted by sending dragoons into the countryside to arrest farmers and seize crops. This temporarily solved the problem in Paris, but the rest of the country suffered. The Committee of Public Safety came under the control of Maximilien Robespierre, a lawyer, and the Jacobins unleashed the Reign of Terror (1793–1794). According to archival records, at least 16,594 people died under the guillotine or otherwise after accusations of counter-revolutionary activities.' h: z2 ~6 o, c

7)  Napoleon’s First French Empire

8)  The Second Empire (Napoleon III from 1852-1870)


1)   Overthrow of monarchy: à established principles of equality, citizenship and inalienable rights

2)   Causes of the French Revolution: hunger/malnutrition, huge national debts from the American Revolutionary War; the indifference of the aristocracy, Marie-Antoinette, the rise of Enlightenment ideals

3)   The danger of democratic dictatorship: good thing turned bad (the Committee of Public Safety)

4)   People seizing opportunities: Napoleon Bonaparte



我考试前因为时间不够,准备了3个文学例子和2个历史例子;幸好最后考的题目比较简单,是问你是不是应该easily trust others or should we be more suspicious even if they seem trustworthy.


gatsby太相信daisy对他的爱,太相信她的品格,最后导致了他confront tom,还有他自己的死。
2. pride and prejudice中,elizabeth 太相信wickham的英俊外表,导致他对darcy的偏见,被骗还差点错过自己的真爱。
3.in the french revolution,法国民众太相信jacobins和maximilien robespierre的liberty口号,导致最后的reign of terror,以自由之名而进行的屠杀就是建立在民众对于所谓民 主的过于信任。