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Passage1小说选自Elizabeth Gilbert的Stern men。小说讲述了小姑娘在上寄宿学校对过去生活的怀念。而这种怀念其实是假的,她只是觉得在学校中与其他孩子的格格不入。选段最后又描述了她和父亲出海打lobster的情节。以下是小说原文的部分节选,感兴趣的同学可以搜索原文哦。

Passage2社会科学选自Joshua Greene的Moral Tribes。主要讲解了人们的公正性很容易被self-interest 所影响。全文首先通过一个报纸的调查问卷展开文章,指出人们在不同的角色下很容易做出不同的自认为公正客观的选择。之后文章主要详细陈述了一个社会学实验,从中得出实验者在知道自己角色和不知道自己角色时做出的自认为客观公正的决定是不同的。

Passage3科学双篇对比文章,讲了我们非常熟悉的摩擦力。摩擦力并不是一个新鲜的概念,然后两篇文章对摩擦力的解释都提出了新的模型。一篇文章选择自David A. Kessler 的“Surface physics:A new crack at friction.” 而另一篇文章选自 Peter Weiss的Model may expose how friction lets loose。

Passage4建国纲要的篇目这篇文章的难度并不是特别大, 选自Samuel Taylor Coleridge 的一篇演讲,收录在The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4。相信考过的同学一定对dough-baked patriot这个叙述印象深刻了吧。 

Passage5选自lee alan dugatkin 的一篇讲述common mole rats内部排外心里的文章(xenophobia),文章的研究结论指出,排外性和生存环境以及排外对象的性别相关。这篇文章配备了以看似简单的图表,但是却需要反复的和原文进行联系,难度也不小。语法本次SAT语法部分的考试难度适中,很多同学可能会感觉第二篇科学类我文章较难,主要是因为出现了太多的专业术语,这也给同学们提个醒,应该好好复习托福科学类话题的词汇,这样才能在阅读到这类文章的时候临危不惧。


本次语法考试考点全面,如简洁原则考察了ultimately / in the end, 和 repeat and begin anew等。词汇题目较难,考察了expressive / dramatic / emotional ,propel / launch的辨析。在形近词上,考察了hole / whole, than / then, exhausting / exhaustive / exhausted的辨析。还考察了statistics的单复数问题。

本次标点符号考察众多,有考察头衔的标点如何使用的,还有两个形容词连接判断是否为unnecessary punctuation的问题,后者在此前的题目中出现较少。


Passage2讲述了一个叫做Richard Lenski的科学家做的一项实验。文章的内容改编自科学文献,二话不说,直接上这篇文献的abstract吧。
Passage3第三篇文章题目是Digitize the humanities,讲述的是现在所有的资料都电子化了。电子化不仅可以让我们快速的查阅资料,同时还可以缩减我们的沟通。文中给出了大量的好玩的例子来证明digitization带来的好处。

Passage4第四篇文章题目是nursing by the numbers,讲述的是著名的Florence Nightingale和统计学的关系。她是医学上使用统计学的鼻祖。文章通过故事展示出了他如何用数字和统计来更好的进行护理。




(1)     一次函数纵轴截距和一次项系数的意义。

(2)     函数的平移。

(3)     多项式化简

(4)     统计学median又考了。

(5)     图表table data考察了好几个

(6)     几何考察了四边形内角和,相似三角形等知识,圆弧的周长。


写作考察了一篇环保题材的文章,选自Godfrey Harris 和Daniel Stiles的The Wrong Way to Protect Elephants,原文如下:

THE year was 1862. Abraham Lincoln was in the White House. “Taps” was first sounded as a lights-out bugle call. And Steinway & Sons was building its first upright pianos in New York.The space-saving design would help change the cultural face of America. After the Civil War, many middle-class families installed them in their parlors. The ability to play the piano was thought to be nearly as important to the marriage potential of single ladies as their skill in cooking and sewing, signaling a young woman’s gentility and culture.The keys on those pianos were all fashioned from the ivory of African elephants. And that is why one of these uprights, the oldest one known to survive, in fact, is stuck in Japan.The director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service recently issued an order prohibiting the commercial importation of all African elephant ivory into the United States. (Commercial imports had been allowed in some instances, including for certain antiques.)The Obama administration is also planning to implement additional rules that will prohibit, with narrow exceptions, both the export of African elephant ivory and its unfettered trade within the United States.The Fish and Wildlife Service has said that these new rules will help stop the slaughter of elephants. But we believe that unless demand for ivory in Asia is reduced — through aggressive education programs there, tougher enforcement against the illegal ivory trade and the creation of a legal raw ivory market — these new American regulations will merely cause the price to balloon and the black market to flourish, pushing up the profit potential of continued poaching.In short, these new rules proposed by the Fish and Wildlife Service may well end up doing more harm than good to the African elephant.What these regulations will also do is make the import, export and interstate sale of almost any object with African elephant ivory virtually impossible. Anyone who owns any antique African elephant ivory — whether it is an Edwardian bracelet inherited from